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'Someone could have been killed': BC Interior police searching for teens who rolled tires towards Hwy 1

Police are investigating after a group of teenagers damaged a car by rolling tires down a hill towards the Trans Canada Highway.

Salmon Arm RCMP said it’s aware of two such incidents, on April 4 and April 17.

They occurred at the 1400 block of the highway, according to a police report.

That report explains that, on April 4, four teens “rolled a car tire and rim downhill towards a local hotel and the highway, striking and damaging a parked vehicle.”

In the April 17 incident, the tire was stopped before hitting “anything, or anyone,” the report says.

“Police are working with local school officials to identify the youths, [who] were all observed on security footage,” the report adds.

Police said one teenager has already been identified.

The RCMP added that the incidents are being “fully investigated” because “someone could have been seriously injured or killed by a fast-rolling vehicle tire on rim that weighed over 18 kilograms (40 pounds).”

The notice concludes: “Fortunately, no one was injured in these incidents, however police caution doing such acts could result in being charged with a criminal offence.”

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