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(Update: Feb. 20, 2024): Police have confirmed that two teen girls who recently went missing have been located safely with the help of Police Dog Services on Quadra Island.
(Originals story: Feb. 15, 2024):
Police are looking for two girls who were reported missing to Campbell River RCMP on Feb. 12, 2024.
RCMP say the two teens, Dommie Malcolmson and Cora Potoski, travelled together and arrived on Quadra Island at about 1 pm on the day they were reported missing.
“It is believed that the two teens have been attempting to evade detection and are somewhere on Quadra island,” said investigators.
“Police and family are very concerned for the well being of Cora and Dommie,” said Campbell River RCMP’s Cst Maury Tyre.
“At this point in time, we believe that the girls may be attempting to camp in the thick forests of Quadra Island and are ill prepared to be doing so.”
Police are asking that anyone on Quadra Island and Cortez Island be extra vigilant in keeping an eye out for Malcolmson and Potoski and for any signs of a camp or a recently used camp site.
Anyone with any information regarding the disappearance of Cora Potoski or Dommie Malcolmson is asked to contact the Campbell River RCMP at 250-286-6221.