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Roughing it in style: Lambo spotted among tents at popular BC campground

Rich people like to go camping too.

It doesn’t seem like a crazy statement, but that’s certainly the message that came out of an interesting back and forth on Twitter over the weekend.

It started when Rob Stewart posted a photo of a Lamborghini parked among the tents at Sunnyside campground in Cultus Lake Provincial Park on Saturday evening.

Stewart didn’t seem to be a huge fan of the sight, calling it “the most unreasonable car you could go camping in.”

His post picked up traction on Twitter and just 84 minutes after he shared the photo, the owner of the luxury car replied with a photo of his own.

“Come hangout and have cookies with us,” Wayne Liang wrote, adding a smiley face to his response.

Liang’s photo showed his Lambo in the background with a package of President’s Choice cookies in his hand and a can of Pabst Blue Ribbon on the picnic table a few feet away.

It turns out Liang was a lot more approachable than Stewart may have assumed and he was just having a nice weekend in the wilderness with a few friends.

One Twitter user responded to Stewart’s original post saying that Liang had to be trying to impress a girl, but Liang fired back at that too.

“Nope, just the boys,” he wrote, with a picture of his three pals around their campfire attached.

And the response to Stewart’s post was overwhelmingly positive toward Liang, with one man even sharing his own photo of a time he went camping in his Porsche.

“I want to shake this person’s hand,” wrote one woman about Liang. “I find their commitment oddly endearing.”

“Much better than seeing the same car idling slowly around downtown showing off,” said one man, with another echoing that statement by noting that he’d “rather see this versus it sitting in someone’s garage with 400 kilometres on it.”

Another man summed it up nicely by saying: “My kinda rich people.”

It should be noted that Cultus Lake is completely paved and the campgrounds like Sunnyside aren’t exactly off the beaten path, so even a Lambo is well-suited for a camping trip there.

If the Twitter activity is any indication, we’d have to assume it’s a great conversation starter to make new friends around the campground as well!

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