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Sandspit Airport on Haida Gwaii renamed to K’il Kun Xidgwangs Daanaay

The Sandspit Airport on Haida Gwaii has been renamed to the Haida name K’il Kun Xidgwangs Daanaay, meaning “Sandspit flying place.”

Federal Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Transport Vance Badawey was in Sandspit for the March 27 announcement, which made the airport the first Transport Canada airport to be renamed to an Indigenous name.

“The renaming of Sandspit Airport to K’il Kun Xidgwangs Daanaay is a significant step in the collaboration between Canada and the Haida Nation,” said President of the Council of the Haida Nation Gaagwiis (Jason Alsop) in a news release for the announcement.

“Engaging in initiatives like this fosters trust and respect, critical elements in renewing the collective vision of Canada as a nation that includes all of us.”

<who> Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons/LJI </who> The Sandspit Airport was renamed to K’il Kun Xidgwangs Daanaay in a March 27 announcement.

The renaming of the airport comes after the official renaming of the archipelago from Queen Charlotte Islands to Haida Gwaii in 2010 and the renaming of the Village of Queen Charlotte to the Village of Daajing Giids by the province.

“Languages carry with them the stories, cultures and traditions of past generations,” said Minister of Transport Pablo Rodriguez in the news release.

“They inspire future generations. Today’s renaming of Sandspit Airport to K’il Kun Xidgwangs Daanaay is a positive step in protecting and strengthening Indigenous languages and culture across Canada.”

K’il Kun Xidgwangs Daanaay is one of two airports on the island, with the other in Masset.

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